CgiHunter Logo
max planck institut
mpii logo Minerva of the Max Planck Society

CgiHunter Webservice

CgiHunter Version 1.01

The provably exhaustive CpG island annotation tool

Choose your parameters and enter your email address. The results of the analysis will be send to you via email.
Please note that due to technical issues the online service only annotates sequences of a length up to 1.5 megabases.
For sequences of greater length, we recommend to download the software for local usage.

Sequence name:
E-mail address:
Obs/Exp CpG frequency(50%-100%):
GC content (50%-100%):
Minimal Length (>100):

Weights for scoring function (only Cgi map) :
Obs/Exp CpG frequency[-1.0;1.0]:
GC content [-1.0;1.0]:
Length [-1.0;1.0]:
Repeat content [-1.0;1.0]:

Output format:
DNA Sequence:

Parameter explanation

Obs/Exp CpG frequency The threshold for the ratio of the observed over the expected frequency of CpG dinucleotides that a region must exceed to be accepted. Choose a value from the range 0.5 to 2.0.
GC content The minimal GC content of CpG islands. Choose a value from the range 0.5 to 1.0.
Minimal Length The minimal length of a CpG island. Choose a value greater than 100.
Sequence Sequences are assumed to be in Fasta format. Only the symboles A,C,G,T,a,c,g,t are recognized as DNA bases.
All other symbols will be interpreted as masked repeats. Insert only one sequence at a time to guarantee correct annotation of the start positions.
Format Cgi map annotation: For overlapping regions that met the constraints only the region with the highest score will be annotated as CpG island. Cgi shadow annotation: All overlapping regions that fulfill the constraints are projected on the DNA sequence and merged into one region.